practice.. 2023 Jul 15 Sat.. jam session

 10am.. jam session
Today was a lot of fun. I tried the song by Roger Miller called You Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd. I also sang my compact version of the Ode-ious Vampire song. We played a couple of minor key songs and they felt really smooth using third position on the harmonica.

1pm.. physical activity mission
I've challenged myself to go to the gym where my insurance is paying my membership every time I make it to Lander. Today I got in 10 minutes on the rowing machine. I weighed in at 212 pounds. That's where I have been holding for a while.

3pm.. new mic!
At the gym Ken sent a message that he was leaving to take Kayden to Utah. He told me a package was delivered.. my new microphone. I ditched the gym sooner than I planned and came home to try it out. I think it's going to be just what I needed. We'll see for sure on Wednesday at the other weekly jam session. Maybe I'll play a little something tomorrow into the new mic.