comedy recordings combined, labeled

I was thinking of putting my sets together into an edited "comedy special" type of longer video. To get ready, I appended all of my comedy videos in order and then tagged the resulting video below. Eventually, the project turned into just totally revamping how I organize my material. It's still a work in progress.

Everything video
gleeby ideas channel

comedy virgin
0050 open mic virgin
0100 wave
0117 pay attention subtle hands

meeting people
0004 big butt
0012 fat naked belly button
0016 recognizable
0031 .. meet on the street
0040 .. taco bell
0109 fun to meet people
0122 .. chris titus
0131 .. kids embarrass their parents
0147 .. polite.. born that way
0159 that's boring.. try plane accident
0228 .. that's rude.. HA!
0236 kids will ask others (Mike)

0612 driving poorly
0019 recognizable
0023 see me on the street
0031 .. who are you?
0036 .. old so forget anyway
0039 .. Bob or Joe or Fred
0048 going on tour
0101 .. other drivers
0106 .. climbing hills behind trucks
0133 driving through puddles
0217 OCD about gas.. Idaho cops
0303 .. not a mule, don't need a job

0930 am I ablist
0012 no handshake (Jay)
0023 .. tried it in high school
0030 .. how do you shake hands with t.rex
0039 .. other stuff either.. flip people off
0053 .. sign language.. showing off
0059 .. anyone can do that.. except me
0109 met guy in wheelchair
0124 .. really hot blonde
0143 .. sorry, I was ablist
0157 .. didn't know I'm oppressed
0213 t.rex came from living with Samoans
0227 .. riding in electric cart with two nieces
0238 .. lady staring at me
0257 .. can be awkward for adults
0304 new roommate
0338 Jay shakes my hand (was setting up my chair)

1300 hobo zoo
0034 t.rex moving the mic
0044 t.rex getting old
0054 .. just flew in from ogden
0108 .. stopped at every temple
0113 Hobo Zoo (babysitting kid Hogle Zoo)
0203 kids ask what's wrong with hands
0241 best friend.. rude.. right?
0255 sometimes people are ablist like that
0308 that was funny! give him a hands!

1610 little johnny
0007 Mitch-slapped
0018 .. don't worry it won't hurt
0030 .. slapped by a t.rex
0037 meet the Robinsons
0055 .. lost weight a velociraptor
0104 Samoan nephews
0108 little Johnnie

1906 popcorn popping
0029 t.rex knocking over stool
0038 .. tired bird
0043 .. week to get from ogden
0049 .. thanks for angel moroni to rest
0057 fun getting laughs instead of stares
0114 popcorn
0214 had to fly.. can't hitchhike
0221 .. drive by and I'd flip off
0224 .. wave at friends
0227 .. they think I'm mad
0233 .. or sign language (show off)

2153 baby bird
0015 camera waving at (Andy)
0020 oowa! (up the step)
0022 watch this...
0032 t.rex setting up a stool
0040 .. and fixing the mic
0052 t.rex too much
0057 friend said tired from flying in
0112 .. not fully formed wings
0118 .. bring me a french fry
0130 .. if that works.. girlfriend!!
0142 sports.. soccer.. x-country
0231 other sports.. rock climbing (hay hook)
0247 rowing.. guy on the end with bullhorn

2502 gadgets and kids
0016 gotta sit.. lazy t.rex
0025 .. Barney any day now
0030 .. trying to lose weight.. velociraptor
0045 gadget tech guy
0145 sports kids
0153 .. gymnastics kid hanging
0218 .. nephews played football young
0233 .. canada hockey kids
0304 .. kids fall over puck
0305 .. that was it (forgot)
0326 .. no better.. just sports and kids
0333 give him a hands (Marcus)
0336 .. what? he's clapping at it.

2847 imagine me
0003 amazing.. never seen anything like (Marcus)
0025 now I'm nervous..
0031 gadget guy
0117 imagine me naked.. right?
0125 recognizable
0141 meet the Robinsons
0201 .. lose weight.. velociraptor
0209 .. not too skinny.. homo habilis
0226 not really t.rex
0235 .. t.rex is mean.. not me
0238 .. more like baby bird
0246 .. flying from WA
0248 .. thankfully moroni's
0320 Marcus.. little person plays my torso
0328 .. because you had us imagine you naked
0337 .. what if I had giant dick
0403 .. Hitler punished with giant dick
0410 .. and hands from Scary Movie 2

3258 statue story
0010 Christian.. take requests.. get the light
0059 .. taping this?
0135 .. you're the best
0149 .. t.rex and panda setting up stage
0212 choice.. stupid FB joke..
0225 statue story..
0434 messed up ending...

3755 hitchiking
0022 dropped mic
0040 recognizable
0045 .. taco bell
0111 .. games.. thumbs up 7up
0141 .. no hitchhiking
0151 .. friendly t.rex waving

4005 bad days
0027 rough days.. years.. life
0038 .. born looking like t.rex
0042 .. everything I do I do weird
0049 .. can't wipe
0051 .. can't put my socks
0054 .. .. can now.. with toes
0102 .. got divorced..
0105 .. bike fell apart
0109 .. .. fell off the car
0111 .. .. bounced down the road
0115 .. .. glad it wasn't me
0126 .. here now.. friends..
0137 .. love everyone.. they love me..
0142 .. not t.rex.. Barney!
0156 popcorn
0206 .. everyone can see?
0207 .. because.. no way.. I'm sad again
0305 .. cured! $200 please
0308 still can't hitchhike
0311 .. or do sign language

4341 my friend Tracey
0002 Alex.. are you filming me Matt?
0016 .. mic drop
0104 forgot what I'm doing.. see ya..
0116 little over a year living with Tracey
0131 .. pizza hut..
0219 .. need blood in thumbs
0242 .. popcorn

4732 hobby hands
0025 cold enough to ice climb
0109 new hobby.. teach ASL
0139 .. mess ups with ASL
0228 problem hitchhiking
0237 trying to flip off.. they wave back

5037 old man butt
0013 Shayne.. don't worry we got this
0030 tough.. I'm on the front row, too
0135 can tell it's hard.. fat man breathing
0143 .. recognize me in bathroom, too
0148 .. sign I'm 46 and body hates me
0158 .. back hurts all the time
0207 .. tried walking.. joints hurt..
0219 .. saw dr.. diabetes
0227 .. worst nightmare.. disabled
0238 you watching my ass
0245 .. like my badonk
0247 .. sturdy t.rex thighs
0259 .. and little arms
0306 .. saw dr.. pt.. diet.. velociraptor
0319 .. too far.. homo habilis
0338 Shayne.. if you're t.rex I'll tame you

5326 why wine?
0024 that was tough
0025 .. because of butt.. t.rex thighs
0037 .. pt.. exercise.. velociraptor
0046 wonder too long.. tell teenager
0056 talking about wine
0138 gotta let grapes rot.. persian legend

5559 teaching sign language
0017 easier and easier
0023 this nice butt.. nice.. right?
0027 gonna miss it my friend
0033 lotta girls like it.. some guys..
0039 more guys than I think
0045 t.rex thighs
0053 pt.. exercise.. velociraptor
0105 rock climbing
0114 fell.. sprained ankle.. suck being disabled
0130 .. soo.. soccer.. goalie!
0141 .. back to work as ASL teacher
0246 also when driving..
0258 .. flip her off.. she smiles and waves back

5921 new relationship
0001 Christian.. arranged last three most to least fu arms
0035 .. right?
0046 t.rex thighs
0100 terrible breakup
0123 body not a chick magnet
0129 new relationship
0137 .. holding hand longer since divorce
0149 .. relationship.. challenge
0201 .. physically!!!
0215 .. uses all her strength
0227 .. when will you tell about me?
0241 .. yup.. physical therapy

growing up
0022 fighting mic
0033 version of life story
0039 growing up kids teased
0052 .. how big was that fish?
0100 .. rock paper scissors
0124 .. showed new flip off
0147 killed a kid with CPR
0217 musical instruments
0243 own business
0250 tried CIA
0310 t.rex when I grow up
0321 .. watch your cups when I step
0341 Jordan.. extra 'i' should be arms