practice.. 2023 Dec 29 Fri

what's up

✅ get title fixed

how it went

I got the title all fixed up like the voicemail asked me to. I had the "write again" thought below on the drive home. I played some Beat Saber on the virtual reality gizmo for a good 20-30 minutes. Then I wrote it out to see what I thought.

write again?

okay.. What if I start writing my 1000 words again, but now, they can't be about me? They can be stories or songs or poems.. They can't be about how my day went. I'll also keep the minimal blog entries about how the day and practices are going. Those words will be separate.. not part of the daily 1000. Equivalent time in other practices Yes! How will it all work and look? I don't know. Maybe I build it right here, first. Maybe I stop talking about stuff and stop building systems, and instead just do stuff. hmm.. What would that look like?

bleh.. Maybe I just need to clean up my morning routine and tag on some creation or creative missions, even some actual practice time like singing or on the harmonica and piano? My physical activity missions are pretty weak lately, as well. I might just be saying I could work on all that a little harder.

practice.. 2023 Dec 28 Thu

what's up

✅ get car registered

how it went

Lots of walking! Stop at county clerk. Learn I need a VIN inspection at the police station. Then back to the clerk to move the title to Wyoming.. $25. Walk to next office, treasurer, to get license plates. Find out I need current registration to prove I paid sales tax. Another walk out to the car. Bathroom break at the other end of county building. A little gambling at the casino.. more walking around. Got home and saw a missed call about they forgot to add notes to the title about it's been rebuilt a few times. Driving in tomorrow to get that fixed. Good tired, though. woot!

practice.. 2023 Dec 27 Wed

what's up

jam session

how it went

Pretty easy.. almost slow day.. bleh.. The jam session was pretty great. The wheel broke off one of the rolling stool legs.. ugh!

practice.. 2023 Dec 26 Tue

what's up


how it went

Out in the morning with Ken. No Literary Rug tonight. Thinking about harmonica boxes and remembering I don't want any new tech yet.

Had a nice little time playing harmonica along with the playlist I built last week.

practice.. 2023 Dec 25 Mon

what's up


how it went

Sent a couple messages to friends. Lots of napping.

practice.. 2023 Dec 24 Sun

what's up

nothing! Christmas Eve dinner by and with Ken.

how it went

A nice chill Sunday and Ken made a great dinner!

practice.. 2023 Dec 23 Sat

what's up

jam session

how it went

late to jam session.. still fun and the group stayed late. The rest of the day was just chilling with Ken.

practice.. 2023 Dec 22 Fri

what's up

easy day.. no plans

how it went

shopping.. puzzles.. homework on car renewal..

practice.. 2023 Dec 21 Thu

what's up

practice with Riv Side Jam

how it went

Cleaned up and added stuff to the song book! I skipped practice with the side jam people. I did end up playing harmonica and even singing for a while on my own later.

practice.. 2023 Dec 20 Wed

what's up

jam session

how it went

the day

I was up late catching up on the funny little daily report things. I'm still not sure what I'm doing with them on what they're for. A lot of it is just to prove to some future depressed self that I'm not a loser.. to remind myself that I'm in the middle of something I might not remember.. to build trust that I am always doing the next best thing. It doesn't need to exist. At some point I'll just know that the path I took is always the only one I could have taken.

jam session

I don't usually write much about how the jam sessions go. Even this one wasn't very different. I think I'm finally just feeling intentional about them. I'm starting to gather some songs that I want to work on with other musicians. Now to keep up with the song book. I look for a chord chart. I look for a key. I look for a video or audio to play along with. woot! go! I don't need to talk about it.

practice.. 2023 Dec 19 Tue.. literary rug

coming up

literary rug!

how it went

decent.. tried new stories and got audio recorded.

also later.. caught up on the daily notes. I was at the library early and started thinking about all the stuff I used to do. I cleaned up and updated some practices. They're living in and more freeform stuff is living in for now.

practice.. 2023 Dec 18.. recover from trip

what's up


how it went

great! I never left the house. I slept.. I watched movies for minutes then slept through the rest.. I ate leftover pizza Ken got us on Saturday night. I didn't even do my puzzles which lost me a 90 odd day streak.. 😿 

practice.. 2023 Dec 17 Sun.. Denver trip

what's up

running to Denver!

how it went

long day. Fun though! ready for sleeping all day tomorrow. Found a harmonica I thought was stolen!

practice.. 2023 Dec 16 Sat

what's up

jam session!

how it went

jam session.. good! Then slept and caught up from being out until 4 am. Driving all day to Denver tomorrow.

practice.. 2023 Dec 15 Fri

what's up

open mic!

how it went

I did get a recording! Ken and I played at the big casino later and he did all the winning.. two jackpots and such.. woot!

practice.. 2023 Dec 14 Thu

what's up

pay bills.. side jam practice

how it went

great on both!

practice.. 2023 Dec 13 Wed

what's up

jam session! skipping SSSG story swap zoom.

how it went

I sang the silly little song.. silent kings!

practice.. 2023 Dec 12 Tue

what's up

literary rug!

how it went

I don't remember what I did.. It looks like I cleaned up email!

I got literary rug recorded!

practice.. 2023 Dec 11 Mon

what's up

another sick as a dog day

how it went

played my games.. slept.. watched movies.. Went to Burger King for breakfast and lunch at Taco Bell.

practice.. 2023 Dec 10 Sun.. chill day

what's up

chill day with Ken at home and yeah

how it went

remembering after.. lots of movies. A trip to Wendy's and then right to Taco Bell. Some wondering about how Hot Hands packets work. Big shopping trip to Walmart with Ken.

practice.. 2023 Dec 9 Sat.. jam session

what's up

Jam session in Lander!

how it went

I did that and played at the casino after and got $200 winnings to give Ken for last month's rent. I got in a lot of walking but still pretty sick and tired.

practice.. 2023 Dec 8 Fri

what's up

nothing much.. heh heh..

how it went

that was it. I'm still sick and resting. I did make it to breakfast with Ken. I did just a little banking stuff.

practice.. 2023 Dec 7 Thu.. jam and stories

what's up

Two things.. practice with what I call the Riverton Side Jam people, and a zoom meeting with a writing group in Washington.

how it went

I don't remember much from the practice group. I had a lovely night telling stories to the writing group. I told the same one I had been telling all week.. the vampire butt story and then immediately into the big butt killing the little boy's family. After their readings, they asked me for another story. I told them the nephew donates his arms story!

practice.. 2023 Dec 6 Wed.. jam session

coming up

I think I'm going to jam session tonight. I thought that about literary rug yesterday and didn't make it so we'll see. I'm not beyond going and getting out early, either, if things don't feel right. I have a cold sore on my upper lip that could mess with playing the harmonica. It was a headache that stopped me last night. There's a lot going on physically right now. If I do go, I'll want to charge up the microphone. I haven't played for weeks, either, so some gaming in my own might be in order today, as well. That seems like plenty for a first day coming off an illness.

how it went

I made it!

practice.. 2023 Dec 5 Tue.. almost literary rug

all day.. still sick

I tried to get myself up and moving for Literary Rug. Taco Bell seemed to help, then on the road out of town, my head was hurting and I felt bad about possibly giving the cold to anyone else. I turned around and came home.

8pm.. watched comedy workshop

Up in Olympia, Rhythms Coffee hosted a comedy and storytelling workshop tonight. I caught the live stream and it all gave me another kick in the butt to create more often.

10pm.. morning thing?

I'm thinking about another streak thing. I was writing 1000 words a day for like 4 years. I tried switching to this blog a day format. I'm not keeping up with it. I'm not posting any new material. On the other hand, I'm getting up and out to breakfast every day, and I'm playing a few games every day while I eat. I still want to use the blog space. Maybe it will just be shorter entries about what's coming up each day. That feels useful. I still like the idea of some type of reporting how the day went, as well. I might be thinking about sections.. planning then reporting. There's also this concept of bullet journaling, where I write about just the next thing at a time. I could experiment with just a morning or single day version of that. After playing my games, I write a paragraph about what else I'm thinking of doing each day. Maybe before that, I would finish yesterday's blog entry with a review of the day before. I'll try to remember with two new sections.. coming up and how it went. Maybe I'll be so excited to try it that I write first thing each day.. before breakfast? hmm..