practice.. 2023 Aug 4 Fri.. wander then connect

6am.. wake up
The rest area has one room.. an outhouse style toilet. The sign on it was a female and I saw no male building. I was the only one there, so I just peed at the front of the car into the bushes. In the morning, I realized there was originally a man and woman, but the sign was damaged.. haha! Sleeping in the car was new again and it took a while to get comfortable. I did sleep well eventually and it was good.

8am.. breakfast
I got on the road and found gas at Coeur d' Alene. On my way to find breakfast after that, I spied a little building called Breakfast Nook and found a Hawaiian omelet! It sounded amazing and it was.. also it was simpler than I imagined.. just cheese and ham and pineapple.. still amazing!

9am.. physical activity mission
yup! I'm trying to stay true to my intention and stopped at a Planet Fitness after breakfast. I just did a few minutes on a really strange rowing machine then did my stretching thing where I pedal on the recumbent bike a couple minutes then stretch open the hips. After riding in the car all day, it felt really great. Planet Fitness has massage chairs, so I finished there.

3pm.. connect
After the rest of the drive and a couple stops at Walmarts, I got to the Liar's Cove Resort where we're doing family reunion stuff. I jumped in the lake, furthering my physical activity mission goals and started catching up with everyone.. duh! haha!