practice.. 2023 Aug 22 Tue.. literary rug!

7pm.. literary rug!
I was really excited to get back to this one. I rested all day and headed in around 5pm for dinner at the Deka Guy Hee.. the restaurant at the Shoshone Rose Casino. The special was a loaded baked potato topped with steak and cheese and sour cream.. It was pretty amazing. I told the group about the trip a little and then I finished with the Bubba Wolff story I told at Stories in the Park. After, we had time for a writing prompt. This is what I came up with..

People stare. It's a thing. For me it's like air or like water for fish. I'm inspiring. This i know because people tell me all the time. Two times now, in Ontario Oregon someone told me I was amazing when they saw me eating with chopsticks at Panda Express.

The thing is I don't feel amazing. It's just me eating.. again. My head is often full of frustration at all the things I wish I could do or the envy of others doing those things with no thought.

Mitchell reminded us of these things we forget about that are lovely. I feel humbled that I've inspired someone unknowingly just by doing a normal thing. Maybe I just accept that and remember to share my amazement with others so they can remember their open miraculous skills.