practice.. 2023 Sep 18 Mon.. weird day

morning.. breakfast
That's it.. just breakfast with Ken and it wasn't even breakfast food.. It's national cheeseburger day so we ended up at Burger King where we got a free burger if we ordered $1 of other stuff. The guys there added another free burger to my order, then they thought they made a mistake and gave me yet another burger. I've been stuffed the rest of the day.. haha!

afternoon.. watch stuff
After the harmonica acted up last week and I opened it up, I started thinking about how to clean them. I watched some videos about that and then I wandered off topic to some street performance videos featuring harmonicas and ended up watching movies I stayed awake for.. this is new this week. I've been sleeping through movies lately and really enjoying it.. haha! I worry about movies and stories. They are often a way for me to feel the feelings of doing the things the characters do and I don't have to try anything. So I'm writing and I paused for some harmonica playing. I'll keep working on all that. I'm finishing the evening watching the open mic from Olympia over the live stream from Rhythms Coffee. woot!