practice.. 2023 Sep 17 Sun.. physical activity mission!

morning.. bleh..
I think it may be apparent and I'm going to call it out.. I've been depressed. I'm meta depressed, too.. depressed about being depressed and anxious. I spent another morning and almost the whole day watching movies. In the back of my head, I thought I would see about finding this swing dance class in Lander at 3:30 pm. I left it up to chance and didn't set any reminders. I did peek at the clock with barely enough time to get there from here. I got myself out the door and got to town just in time.. then had to drive across town. I was late. I didn't even bother trying to find people. I just went to my gym.

3:33pm.. physical activity mission!
It was actually pretty good. I weighed in and I'm still right there at 213 pounds. I feel like I've been eating poorly and too much, so that was a bit of a relief. I did the rowing machine for 10 minutes and then stretched and pedaled another 10 minutes or so. I went to the casino and purposely parked far from the food place and after lunch I purposely walked a little bit between games.. at first, but still.. It was a good day.

evening.. easy practice..
I didn't play much or for very long. I did get the harmonica out and played a little. I found a playlist of B-flat songs to warm in the new harmonica. It felt like a saved day by the end.