practice.. 2023 Nov 9 Thu.. locked out!

   ☐ practice 
   ☐ portfolio 
   ☐ participate 
   ☒ learn 
   ☒ connect 
   ☒ renew 
   ☒ sustain 
   ☐ explore 
   ☒ play 

morning.. breakfast and playing
afternoon.. locked out!

I got home from breakfast which was more lunchtime but still my first meal? haha! The door was locked. I ended up driving to Lander and getting the house key from Ken. Then I tried connecting with friends in the area. I ultimately just went to the gym then headed to Walmart. I rolled around on the wheels and ate at Subway. It was a decently active day, though none of it was really planned? hmm..

evening.. shopping

I'm feeling this need to get another tablet of some kind. I took the one I have to Literary Rug with me and its battery was dead. I had thought it was fully charged and just sitting on my desk. I'm thinking also about a unit that could double as a music carrier.. so I can bring it along and have the chords and words to songs I'm learning right there with me. These devices with e-ink and e-paper that I can also write on feel like the right choice. I still don't know what I would put in the device. I'm not really adding much to the portfolio with the devices I own. bleh.. haha!