practice.. 2023 Nov 16 Thu.. bleh..

   ☒ practice 
   ☐ portfolio 
   ☒ participate 
   ☒ learn 
   ☐ connect 
   ☒ renew 
   ☒ sustain 
   ☐ explore 
   ☒ play 

all day.. nothing much?

I played my games at breakfast at Taco Bell then headed to Walmart. The last time I was in Lander.. Tuesday for Literary Rug.. I got there early and stopped at the music store across the street. I had a harmonica stolen from the car a few weeks ago. I picked up a used one at the music store and today I got a bottle of rubbing alcohol to soak the harmonica in. It plays really well! I missed practice with the Riverton side jam people. That was at 5 pm and I didn't get myself up and moving. I felt bad again. I wondered why I skip that opportunity so often. I'll keep working on music and get myself going more often.

I'm catching up on a few days of blog entries. The daily practice is good.. I'm seeing myself do the things that I don't always give myself credit for. It's morphing, too. Now that I'm using the tablet more, I might write a lot of these entries by hand. I may also just link to some practice sessions I recorded or created instead of always thinking I have to write it all out like this. hmm..