practice.. 2023 Nov 5 Sun.. chill day

   ☐ practice 
   ☐ portfolio 
   ☐ participate 
   ☐ learn 
   ☒ connect 
   ☒ renew 
   ☐ sustain 
   ☐ explore 
   ☒ play 

all day.. not much

Mostly I just wandered around the internet. Ken and I went to Arby's for lunch. I tossed a card in my car and noticed a pill bottle in the wrong place. It looks like someone took my practice harmonica.. a $12 cheap one from the Fender people. I guess I'll try locking my doors. There's not much left in the car after they took an air compressor and a fitness watch a couple weeks ago.. maybe I'll have to inventory and see what needs to be in the car at all times like that so they don't break my windows to get the little I keep in there.